LITM Singer-Songwriter Picks features moving soundscapes from artists Michelle Lockey, Mylo Choy, and Stephen Springall

In this edition of LITM Singer-Songwriter Picks, experience acoustic magnificence in the heartfelt soundscapes from artists Michelle Lockey, Mylo Choy, and Stephen Springall.

Michelle Lockey - Who Hears the Broken

Multi-award winning recording artist and performing singer-songwriter/producer, Michelle Lockey crafts a poignant and powerful soundscape in Who Hears the Broken. Her brand of reflective lyricism feels mighty vulnerable and honest, however, its gentle provocation of thought, inspires change and growth. Such lyrics woven into a lush musical backdrop with alternative, indie folk elements forms an evocative soundscape. The warmth of rich acoustics, the breezy gush of drums, the luminous piano notes, and swelling string sections elevates the melancholic atmosphere to one that stirs your spirit. Her mature, earthy vocals adorned in layers of mellifluous harmonies unleashes onto the sound, a deluge of melodies with a moving softness and emotionality that envelops you in its expansive embrace. This song can resonate with you in profound ways. Listen to Who Hears the Broken by Michelle Lockey here!

Mylo Choy - Smallest Things

In their latest release, Smallest Things, Mylo Choy magnifies into the tiny spaces, the soft sparks, the empty chairs, and all the smallest things looking for a lost connection, seeing those that slipped away from us, tucked in the everyday things, mundanity and beauty of life. Within the stripped-back instrumentation, the music holds a vastness, of both sound and emotion, that you can dive into. The contemplative piano chords and the tender vocals waltz to a sad melody that slowly, with utmost patience grows into a more brighter and reflective tone. The gentle rhythm of the percussion, the reverb-soaked wail of the guitars, and the plush vocal harmonies seamlessly blend to create a soothing, soft whirlpool of tunes that invites you to fall in. Smallest Things is an achingly personal, and bold exploration of love, longing, and the in-between. Listen to Smallest Things by Mylo Choy here!

Stephen Springall - You Again

Worlds of genre collide in the most captivating ways in Stephen Springall’s compositions, a fusion of folk storytelling and rock n roll musical attitude. You Again, the latest release, brings to you a sound oscillating between two moods; tugging at either ends of love, wistful and longing for those lost in the past, while also hopeful and desiring for what can be found in the future. Detangling the complexity of these feelings, the lyricism illustrates an honest and open picture, painted by the rich acoustic guitar strokes, lilting folksy guitar motifs, the soft percussive motion, and the warm atmospheric hues. The singer’s voice, drenched in emotions, glides over the music ever so gracefully with a commanding presence, adorned in the luxurious coat of harmonies, eliciting a deeply emotional response from the listener. What begins in a somber, shy glow of melancholy in the music transmutes into a grand, radiant body of hope. You Again will have you floored. Listen to You Again by Stephen Springall here!

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator