LITM Rock Picks: Experience gritty, groovy, dynamic soundscapes from artists Halo Rider, Groove Vultures, Saint Social, and others

In this edition of LITM Rock Picks, we feature high-energy releases from artists Halo Rider, Groove Vultures, Producing a Kind Generation, Kings of Decay, and Saint Social.

Halo Rider - Don’t Let It Drag You Down

Witness a spectacular fusion of blues, americana, folk and rock in the captivating soundscapes of Halo Rider. Comprising the virtuoso violin renditions of Anne Harris and the ingenious guitar playing of Markus James, Halo Rider presents a groove so potent and melody so infectious in Don’t Let It Drag You Down, it is impossible not to be taken over by the raw, gritty spirit of the song. The galloping drums get your heart racing with every thump, clang, and beat. Like unwinding roads, the soundscape features a rich network of guitar and violin melodies, some intertwining and some running parallel, all leading to an enthralling listening experience. The bass lines, gravelly riffs, twangy tunes, and electrifying solos embellish the music with mosaic textures, while the violin motifs illuminate the soundscape. The vocals are the cherry on top, bringing emotion and energy to the music that carries on in you long after the song ends. Don’t Let It Drag You Down is an unforgettable sonic adventure. Listen to Don’t Let It Drag You Down by Halo Rider here!

Groove Vultures - What Happened to Lucy

Groove Vultures craft their very own brand of garage rock, full of groove and hype. What Happened to Lucy, their latest release brings an explosive, colossal sound. There is not a moment in the song that lets your attention slip, nor leaves time for rest, because each second is loaded with heavy, raucous energy waiting to be unleashed. The backdrop is animated with thunderous, emphatic drumming going off in tandem with harsh, distortion-soaked riffs. As if that were not enough to light your soul on fire, the band ignites a blazing hot solo section that catalyzes the heat of the sound. Top this off with soaring vocals full of impassioned wails, bold declarations, and expressive lyrics, you get a sound that is high-octane and epic. What Happened to Lucy is pure adrenaline. Listen to What Happened to Lucy by Groove Vultures here!

Producing a Kind Generation - Eternal Sunshine

Imagine art rock rendered as a fluid, genre-bending sound full of groove, poetry, and emotion with a 90s alternative aesthetic, you get musical trio, Producing a Kind Generation. Eternal Sunshine, their latest release is mesmerizing. Rooted in a dynamic, groove-rich rhythm, the thumping drum beats and the slick bass lines drive the music. Moody, reflective guitar notes, luminous melodies, and fuzzy textures add multiple layers to the music, making it rich and intriguing. The vocal performance is gripping, each word of the rap holds your senses hostage, commanding you to absorb and reflect on the message being conveyed. Eternal Sunshine is one of a kind release, reviving a sound that has the power to move you, literally and metaphorically. Producing a Kind Generation has a sonic style that is arresting and soul-stirring. Listen to Eternal Sunshine by Producing a Kind Generation here!

Kings Of Decay - Turning Upside Down

Four-piece rock band Kings of Decay, bring you the unabashed spirit, gritty spirit, and intense energy of 90s rock through their monumental soundscapes. Turning Upside Down, their latest release unleashes an energy so infectious and attitude so defiant, you cannot escape the heart-racing, feet-stomping, singing-along effect of this song. Welding together hefty, explosive drumming with dense, distortion-rich guitars, and heavy, smoldering basslines, the musical backdrop takes a majestic, lofty form. Keeping up with the powerhouse of a music is the vocals, raw and animated, it brings an air of carefreeness, riotous energy, and audacity. Making the music all the more riveting, the lyrical theme is delivered with utmost accuracy in the reactive spirit of the music. Turning Upside Down will invigorate your spirit in ways you’ve never felt before. Listen to Turning Upside Down by Kings of Decay here!

Saint Social - Holiday Forever

Indie rock band Saint Social soothe and stir your spirit in their latest release Holiday Forever. With a richly-textured, dynamic musical landscape, their music transports you to a place of light, love and liberation. Opening with a dreamy, ethereal synth atmosphere, the guitar melodies unravel hypnotically, along with pulsing drum beats, punchy basslines, and evocative vocals. The poetic, magical lyrics usher in a feeling of elation, joy, and hope heightened by the expressive and emotive vocal performance of the singer. Penetrating deep into your heart, the music continues to glow with brighter, vibrant melodies, lush swelling atmospheric backdrop, and reverb-soaked vocal harmonies. The expansive vastness of the soundscape pulls you in, liberating you from worries, immersing you in a joyous sonic catharsis that lingers long. Holiday Forever has a cosmic, euphoric feel that is addictive. Fans of Coldplay will enjoy Saint Social’s music. Listen to Holiday Forever by Saint Social here!

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator