LITM Rock Picks Are A Celestial Curation With Casii Stephan, The Boundless and More!

LITM Rock Picks today are an amazing set of tracks that highlight the unique talents of the minds behind them and shine spotlights on their discography. Experience the music of Robert Jordan, Desie Magee, Casii Stephan, Suburban Bicycle Gang and The Boundless!

Robert Jordan - In Heaven

Robert Jordan has brought us a wonderful y melodic and soothing new track with his latest outing in rock music “In Heaven”. This track combines smooth flowing and warm vocals with wonderful guitar tones and instrumentals to bring us a rhythm and groove that is simply delectable to experience. With a penchant for sounds that are more retro in their feel, this song takes you back to an era of music that is nostalgic and long past. I loved listening to this track so go check it out for yourself today and add it to your playlists!

Dessie Magee - Graceless

Dessie Magee has brought us a song that is sure to put him on the map in the indie rock scene with his latest release “Graceless”. This track has a rich and complex soundscape that is built around an amazing instrumental that comes together with Dessie’s virtuosic vocal stylings. With a thumping bassline that drives the rhythm and the funk of this track, they provide the perfect bedding atop where the raw and emotional vocal performance sits. This song reels you in and doesn't let go of the hooks it plants in your mind, compelling you to replay it over and over again!

Casii Stephan - Average Man

Casii Stephan’s “Average Man” brings us a classic rock vibe that is truly delicious to listen to and one you simply can’t get enough of. Inspired and deeply imbued with influences from the realm of blues, soul and pop this track is truly a genre melding and subversive masterpiece with its soundscape. The lyrics are raw and fiercely feminist in their message and decry the men who leave their partners during times of illness and describe them as the “average man”. Casii Stephan has created a powerful and resilient album that you ought to check out!

Suburban Bicycle Gang - Babes from Bill’s

Suburban Bicycle Gang are returning favourites and LITM mainstays who have put out yet another banger with their latest release “Babes from Bill’s”. This track has a thoroughly whimsical and chaotic soundscape that will wake you up and fill you with energy as you listen. With driving guitars and raw vocals propelling the rhythms of this track you are left with no choice but to go long for the ride from start to finish with this insane and talented musical outfit. Suburban Bicycle Gang are some of the best indie rock musicians currently active and you need to check their music out!

The Boundless - As Angels Fly

The Boundless closes out our list for today with an incredible performance of musical soul on their latest release “As Angels Fly”. With a soundscape that evokes strong celestial imagery, as its namesake implies this track takes us on a soothing and graceful exploration of modern rock sounds that are simply delightful to the ears. Everything about this soundscape works in perfect harmony from the thumping bassline to the synths driving the melody. With a style evocative of rock legends such as Pink Floyd, The Boundless has crafted a true rock masterpiece that you ought to listen to and experience for yourself!

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator