Interview: Matteson Gregory - I'll Be Okay

Growing up with instruments throughout the home, her dad playing in punk rock bands, and weekly family karaoke nights, Matteson Gregory has always been surrounded by music. As soon as she learned to play guitar, she began to create music for her poems to express herself. Matteson Gregory turned the stairwells and other acoustic spots in her home into concert halls, but soon that wasn't big enough. Since 2008, she has been performing at various venues; including restaurants and breweries throughout the Ozarks and Northwest Arkansas. As well as performing at the You Matter festival in 2019, and joining other artists on stage for writer's rounds and jam sessions.

By Kamil Bobin

Discovered via Musosoup

Kamil) Hey Matteson Gregory, super nice to have the chance to chat with you. What first got you into music?

It’s so nice to meet you too! Thanks so much for having me. Music has always been something that’s been present in my life. My dad was in various bands when I was little and I was always fascinated and wanted to do what he did. It was’t until I was 12 that I learned guitar and that’s when I started writing songs. Since then it’s been what I’ve loved to do.

How do you balance your time in the studio with other commitments such as a part-time job, family, admin?

It can sometimes be stressful and I will say I have had my days where it feels completely overwhelming. I just try to remember that not everything needs to be done and that I can’t do everything. The thing that helps me the most is to compile a list of what needs to be done in the order it needs to be done in. In the end, I know that everything I do, I do the best I can.

Your latest song is 'I'll Be Okay'. Can you tell us more about the making of it and if there were any unusual things happening during the process?

I’ll Be Okay is a song I’ve always wanted to release since I wrote it back in 2015. I wrote it after a time of reflecting over my experiences with depression and finding the strength to continue moving forward. I felt really motivated to release the song now since mental health is such an important topic to me and I my goal with my music is to inspire others to know they are not alone. To create the song, I started off my recording a simple piano track. I really wanted the lyrics to speak for itself.

When you are working through problems in your work, who do you talk to?

I always talk to either my mom or my fiancé. They are the most supportive people and they always take the time to listen to what I’m going through.

How do you recall your childhood? How did it influence you as an artist?

My childhood was wonderful. I feel cheesy for saying that but it truly was. My parents were always around. I had siblings and cousins to play with. And I feel very thankful that I was surrounded in an environment where I could let my imagination grow. I feel my childhood influenced me in so many ways such as encouraging me to always create. But I think the biggest way is how I want people to feel after listening to my music: not alone. My family is without a doubt some of the most welcoming and kindest people I’ve ever know. They’ll invite strangers to sit with them at my shows and I thank them for teaching me to never make anyone feel any less of a person.

If you had not become involved in music, what profession would you have chosen?

I’ve always loved being creative and I feel like one profession I would’ve chose would’ve had something to do with either video or photography. I’ve always loved editing photos and videos so I feel I would have definitely gone that route if I didn’t go with music.

In your opinion, what mood do your songs set?

I feel like my songs give a range of emotions anywhere from youthful optimism to heartbreak. I’ve always written songs from my experiences and what emotions those experiences caused.

What motivates you to grow and seek new challenges?

To get better and further my career as an artist. Every new challenge I face will only teach me and help me learn. I know I might fail or make mistakes but I see that as a reason to keep trying till I get it right.

Who is your favorite musician?

Gosh that is sooo hard. I will say I am a swiftie at heart and Taylor definitely inspires me as a writer. A few other favorites would have to be Alanis Morissette, The Cranberries. Honestly, the nineties are my favorite right now.

What accomplishments do you see yourself achieving in the next five to 10 years?

I would love to be able to do music full time. To be able to play my songs for people would be more than I could ever ask for. I also hope to have a collection of songs like an EP released and be touring more places. Its all really exciting to see where my music will take me.