Post Death Soundtrack, with “Veil Lifter”: Hardcore doom metal extravaganza!

Vancouver-based psychedelic doom grunge duo Post Death Soundtrack, led by Steve Moore, blends heavy guitars, brazen bass, and intense sounds — and their latest album, “Veil Lifter”, fuses doom, grunge, hardcore, and thrash into a relentless, powerful experience inspired by both classic and modern heavy music icons — keep reading for my thoughts!

Bringing the ever-haunting and ominous sound of doom metal to the fore with “Veil Lifter”, the band does not faff about; and right from the intro, “At The Edge of It All”, they’re experimenting with textures, bending sounds and genres, with their highly avant-garde sound; and come the first full-length track, “The Die Is Cast”, you’re looking at a heavy, aggressive sound that makes your eyebrows crunch together while your head sways to the downtempo, thumping drums in sheer disciplery; the energy is dark, it’s ominous, and it’s loud, bold and proud. Steve Moore’s vocal performance steals the show quite comfortably here, with the guitars and the drumming in close tandem for maximum effect.

“Veil Lifter” finds itself adorned with doom metal showcases like “Killer of the Doubt” with slightly more experimental, psychedelic progressive rock elements with its polyrhythms, and it’s a metalhead’s feast from the very start; leaving one stuck at the edge of their seat, and rightfully so — the tracks flow effortlessly into one another, never once letting the listener go from the vice grip of energy that this album is. Showcased on tracks like “Arjuna’s Hunting Hand” and “Lowdown Animal” are the band’s ability to write multiple complex passages into a musically coherent theme that does not cease to amaze.

The production is as aggressive as it gets, for this is doom metal after all; with the bends, the downtuned, angry guitars that have an imposing feel throughout the album, while the mix balances things exceptionally well, constantly straddling the line between finesse and raw power. The sound design is also much appreciated here, with tracks like “Burrowing Down The Spine” and the closer, “Hammer Come Down”, really coming into their own with the power.

All in all, “Veil Lifter”, by Post Death Soundtrack: the kind of metal that engages, and makes you want to keep listening on and on; and there’s enough of it in the 50 minute runtime to make every second feel like a story in of itself. Take a listen to the album here!

Discovered via #sustainablecurator