LITM Singer-Songwriter Picks This Week: Selena Tibert and more!

This week’s edition of LITM Singer-Songwriter Picks features pieces from Selena Tibert and more!

Selena Tibert - “The Fool”

Selena is a Brooklyn-based indie folk songwriter and instrumentalist who uses unique chord structures and poetic lyrics to explore themes of anxiety, identity, and expectations; and on her latest single, “The Fool”, she continues with her signature sound; constantly surprising the listener with the sound design. Be it the gentle shuffle of the percussion, or her vocal harmonies, Selena amazes with her acoustic guitars, and the low, rumbling basses; all while her vocals paint for the listener a story; and a powerful one at that. The airy strings in the background add another layer of dimensionality to the track, while the mix captures the beauty of her harmonies quite succinctly. Take a listen to the track here!

James Ollier - “Holding onto Something”

James Ollier is a British singer-songwriter and traveler whose songs, inspired by his journeys, evoke a sense of movement and wanderlust — and on his latest single, “Holding onto Something”, he paints a beautiful story with his wayward guitars, his simple stories and delivery, all the while staying elegant and melodious with his voice. There’s a certain beauty to the simplicity of the melodies on this song that make it an instantaneous ear worm, and you’ll find yourself humming along to it more often that you’d give yourself credit for. The percussion keeps things swimming along quite smoothly, while the mix creates just the perfect atmosphere; take a listen to the track here!

Barleycove - “Meet Me in Nashville”

Barleycove, helmed by singer-songwriter Laura Jones, merges modern folk and Americana with a hint of classic rock akin to Fleetwood Mac — and in their fashion, their latest release, “Meet Me in Nashville”, is a heartfelt song of wistful memories, all soundtracked by beautifully written violin lines and softly strummed acoustic guitars. The energy of the song excites and relaxes you smoother than butter, and the atmosphere is just right with the harmony, the writing and the arrangement; and the execution is, for a lack of a better term, sublime. Take this into a mix that is wide, expansive and superbly well balanced, and you have a beautiful listen on your hands. Take a listen here!

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator