LITM Rock Picks: Witness rock n’ roll revival in the spirited soundscapes from artists Adam + Attack by Fire, The Savage Hearts, Packetloss, and others

In this edition of LITM Rock Picks, we bring blazing hot rock n’ roll releases from artists Adam + Attack by Fire, The Savage Hearts, Packetloss, Mad Painter, and Tretrunc.

Adam + Attack by Fire - Trashy Samurai Blues

Songwriter, rocker and producer Adam brings his own brand of glam rock infused with punk aesthetics that has an arresting style. In Trashy Samurai Blues by Adam + Attack by Fire, musical influences are wide, and the sonic textures are intriguing. A warbling, bassy synth atmosphere persists, as tunes tinged with eastern melodies decorates the musical backdrop. Airy clangs of the drums anchor the sound to a breezy beat and as the music unfurls, riffs get warmer and heavier. The vocals have a charming nonchalance and lightness, flowing over the soundscape in shapes of smooth, addictive melodies or riveting spoken word. The music and the vocals are reminiscent of sounds from greats like Bowie, The Kinks, and others. Listen to Trashy Samurai Blues by Adam + Attack by Fire here!

The Savage Hearts - Gang War

Enigma shrouds the identity of the band The Savage Hearts, based in Ireland. But their sound is heard far and wide for its electrifying effect and thrilling tales. Gang War, their latest single, is a dizzying fusion of explosive garage rock n’ roll, pub rock, psychedelia, and blues. Yes, an unconventional and distinct medley of sonic flavors is brewed to perfection, to create a potent soundscape that will take you on a rollercoaster of a listening journey. A deluge of fuzzy guitar riffs, infectious hooks, and thunderous drums forms the hyped and heavy sonic canvas. The impassioned, raucous vocals color the music in catchy melodies, narrating a gripping story. The speeding urgency, the bursting energy, and the raw emotions in the music will rouse your spirit. Listen to Gang War by The Savage Hearts here!

Packetloss - Timed Out

Packetloss bring stirring, spirited rock n roll soundscapes that emanate a 90’s rock, punk frequency. Timed Out, their latest release, has the classic heavy, rich instrumentation coupled with passionate, raw vocals, one that feels like a nostalgic yet distinct sound. Delving into the unrelenting passage of time, a yearning to seize the present moment, and living life to the fullest, the music captures the emotional turmoil and triumphs that these themes evoke. The power-packed, distorted downpour of guitar riffs stitched over the emphatic pounding drums stirs your senses. Top this up with masterful, sweltering hot solos, the picture is vivid and rousing. The unstoppable immediacy and the untamed energy of the soundscape is enthralling. Listen to Timed Out by Packetloss here!

Mad Painter - Empty Bottles

Experience the energy and charm of retro 70s rock n’ roll in the song, Empty Bottles by Mad Painter. It is refreshing, zingy, and full of groove bringing you a nostalgic rock n’ roll feel that is addictive and memorable. The lush, undulating synth drones, warm and fuzzy guitar riffs, and the pulsing swing of the drums creates a vibrant, textured background that has an inescapable grip over your senses. The singer’s dramatic, emotionally-charged, and expressive vocals, adds another layer of appeal that keeps you glued to the song and the story. Urging you to look for the light at the end of the tunnel, to not give up, and live exuberantly, the lyricism is eloquent and inspiring. An instant mood-lifter, this song is a strong remedy for gloomy days. Listen to Empty Bottles by Mad Painter here!

And on YouTube!

Tretrunc - Last Summer

Meet David J. Weiner’s musical project, Tretrunc, a slow, rooted, and growing body of sonic influences and ideas, evolving into introspective, immersive, and evocative soundscapes. The song, Last Summer, will take you on a mesmeric voyage through psychedelic plains, rising and falling synth ranges, a steadily flowing current of electronic beats, and the hazy breeze of vocal melodies. With a brooding, somber tone, the sounds are crafted to evoke a sense of melancholy, mystery, and connection. There is a quality of serene maturity, grounded experimentation, and emotional reflection in the soundscape that shows just how much musical experience, understanding, and skill Tretrunc employs in the composition. The music, a hypnotic symphony of keyboard-driven, lush tunes and dreamy, surreal vocals, will transport you to realms that captivate your mind. Listen to Last Summer by Tretrunc here!

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