LITM Singer-Songwriter Picks features affecting releases from artists Mike Goodspeed, Bert, Natalie Fée, and others

In this edition of LITM Singer-Songwriter Picks, we showcase sonic versatility and musical brilliance from artists Mike Goodspeed, Ovide & the Broken Horseshoe Band, Bert, Natalie Fée, and OXLIP.

Mike Goodspeed - Beyond The Oort Cloud

Mike Goodspeed is a musical wizard performing the most magical sonic spells on the acoustic and electric bass. The artist’s ingenuity and deftness is presented in engrossing and exciting soundscapes that allow you to revel in the brilliance of the sonic design rather than be perplexed by it, and therein lies the beauty of the composition. The latest release, Beyond The Oort Cloud, features the talented Kevin Stahl, and has an ornate and enthralling sound. The rolling thwack of bass opens the song to an exhilarating immediacy heightened by the thudding, thumping groove of the intricate drum rhythms. Reflective melodies radiate from the smooth striking of the strings, while prismatic riffs glow vibrantly. As the music ensues, synths soar, solos swell, rhythms race, and the music reveals newer, cosmic layers. Beyond The Oort Cloud leaves you enchanted with its textures and tones. Listen here!

Ovide & the Broken Horseshoe Band - No Debate

Ovide & the Broken Horseshoe Band’s debut release, No Debate showcases the artist’s instrumental genius, eloquent storytelling style, and gripping vocal delivery through the sentimental and sublime soundscape of the track. The galloping strides of the percussion, the dramatic string melodies, the resonant bass notes, and warm guitar twangs seamlessly merge to evoke a country-Americana-folk atmosphere that is heartfelt and timeless. The nonchalant charisma of the singer’s heavy, velvety vocals glides over the music tangibly, affecting and absorbing you. No debate is undebatably charming and impressive. Listen to the song here!

Bert - Vind Je Niet

Singer-songwriter Bert Van Puymbroeck’s soundscapes are versatile, bold, and moving. Driven by cabaret aesthetics and electropop atmospheres, the songs come alive through emotive melodies, profound lyrics, and evocative vocal performances. The latest release Vind Je Niet plunges into melancholy and wistful reflection with tenderness and vulnerability. The pristine sound of the pensive piano melodies, the shuffling percussion, and the reverberating ambient tunes form an immersive and expansive soundscape calling out to you to dive in. The singer’s tenor voice delicately and assertively paints a poignant picture with stirring melodies delivered with precision and poise. Vind Je Niet sways with a captivating ebb and flow that draws you in instantly. Listen here!

Natalie Fée - Daughter of Nature

Based in Bristol, singer-songwriter, activist, and visionary artist Natalie Fée composes soundscapes that resonate her passion, love, connection towards nature in each melody. Her music carries the profoundness and power of the lyrical theme with moving grace and ethereality. Daughter of Nature, her latest release, is the title track of her forthcoming album. The song opens with dreamy, mystical acoustic guitar notes that illuminate the sound with their soft luminescence. Natalie’s vocals, angelic and graceful, punctuates the music with inspiring melodies. The lyrics, poetic yet direct, remind you in simple words that you are a part of nature, and nature resides in you, and highlights the importance of protecting and preserving our environment. The sense of abundance, timelessness, and stripped-back beauty of the music is deeply moving and breathtaking, like nature itself. Listen to the song here!

OXLIP - 12 Blind Boys

Experience the dream-like, ethereal, and mystical atmospheres of an Appalachian Mountain ballad in the soundscapes of OXLIP. 12 Blind Boys is the latest release from the artist, one that conquers your heart with its effervescent melodies and simple yet heartfelt stories. The pulsing cadence of the piano notes, the warm streams of strings, and the lush blooms of harmonies fuse into a comforting, lively tapestry of sounds. The singer’s vocals are embroidered in mesmeric melodic patterns, delicately and impeccably. As the song and story unfold ever so daintily, the music evokes a lingering sense of wonder, bliss, and reflection in your mind. 12 Blind Boys transports you to an otherworldly realm where your mind is free to frolic in and traverse the contours of the lyrical and sonic world. Listen here!

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator