LITM Singer-Songwriter Picks brings emotive releases from artists Lou Gold, Rick Cassman, and Jacre

In this edition of LITM Singer-Songwriter Picks, experience the full spectrum of human emotions through soundscapes from artists Lou Gold, Rick Cassman, and Jacre.

Lou Gold - Stained Glass

Singer-songwriter Lou Gold collects everyday moments from the city, the people, and the politics around her, weaving them into tender, heartfelt stories that evoke love and hope for life. Characterized by a vintage soul, indie folk sound, her latest release Stained Glass is sublime. The gentle thumps of the drum, hazy glow of guitar melodies, and the earthy bass notes are tailored into a comforting, warm sonic fabric. Lou Gold’s vocals emote delicately, embroidering memorable and vibrant melodies into the sound. The music is crafted with care and affection, which you feel in every melody. The sincerity and vulnerability in the music makes it all the more charming and appealing. The intricate guitar motifs, the ringing drums, and the radiant ambiance decorated with ethereal vocal harmonies towards the end stirs your senses. Listen to Stained Glass by Lou Gold here!

Rick Cassman - Wonderful

Rick Cassman’s extensive, rich musical experience and boundless creativity shine through his invigorating compositions. Wonderful, the title track of his newest solo album, is truly wonderful, in that it ignites a spark of wonder, joy, and gratitude for life and love. The steady galloping rhythm of the drums ushers in a lively feeling. The electric and acoustic guitars splash refreshing, uplifting melodies all over the soundscape with varying textures, some soft and plush, some sharp and zingy. Rick Cassman’s voice is the heart and soul of the music. The mature, grounded, and cheerful vocals embellish the soundscape with heart-warming, catchy melodies that inject you with positive, loving energy. The openness and optimism in the lyrics eases and heals the soul. Wonderful is a must-listen, and a much-needed dose of light-hearted, happy music. Listen to Wonderful by Rick Cassman here!

Jacre - Only Love Could Be So Blind

British singer-songwriter Julian Ransom's musical project Jacre, presents emotionally-charged, immersive soundscapes. Only Love Could Be So Blind, the latest release, moves you with powerful lyricism and rousing melodies. The brooding melancholy and wistful quotients of the sound are heightened by the singer’s commanding vocal performance. Opening with glimmering notes of piano, an expansive atmosphere, and reflective guitars, the music has a tender, soothing presence. The singer’s voice, full of feeling and vulnerability, punctuates the music with emotive melodies. Like the calm before the storm, the softness of the music slowly transforms into a majestic sound laden with pounding drums, swelling instrumentation, and impassioned vocals. And after this cathartic release, the sound falls back to a delicate existence. This captivating oscillation carries the music forward, until it rests into a fading glow. Listen to Only Love Could Be So Blind by Jacre here!

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator