LITM Rock Picks: Dive into vibrant soundscapes and compelling stories from artists Scared of Sharks, Jeff Draco, REDSIX, and others

In this edition of LITM Rock Picks, we bring rock exuberance, emotive melodies, and moving lyrics from artists Scared of Sharks, Jeff Draco, REDSIX, Sandy King, and The Castros.

Scared of Sharks - Stumble

Australian four-piece rock band Scared of Sharks craft a gritty, high-octane soundscape in Stumble. The track brings pure rock n roll fervor with soaring punk quotients. The music is decorated with garage rock, indie rock elements, giving off a nostalgic, anthemic feel. From the first melody, the music gets you hooked to the song, and as it reappears and fades in the verses, a deluge of thunderous drums, fuzzy guitar riffs, and warm basslines takes the music to new highs. The raw, unreserved vocal performance of the singer adds an unforgettable appeal and infectious energy to the sound. Stumble showcases the kind of sonic storm that Scared of Sharks can set in motion. Listen to Stumble by Scared of Sharks here!

Jeff Draco - Attitude (I Want More)

It’s impossible not to get carried away by the dreamy, indie pop rock atmosphere of Jeff Draco’s latest track Attitude (I Want More). From the get go, the music has a speeding pulse, with the gushing drums, reverb-soaked riffs, and guitar hooks driving the sound. The singer’s expressive and emotionally-charged vocals set an excited tone and an animated mood to the music. The lush, dream-like ambiance created by the guitars gets you in a space of soft feeling, and the rhythm gets your heart racing. Each word and the emphasis on its emotion is compelling, and feels like it evaporates from the song and permeates into you, coloring you with the same feelings. Attitude (I Want More) will make you come back for more. Listen to Attitude (I Want More) by Jeff Draco here!

REDSIX - et al.

Indonesian rock band REDSIX unleash a mighty, stirring sound in et al., one that displays their musical evolution and instrumental brilliance in all its glory. Taking on a more heavy and somber sound, the music grows from ruminative, emotional interludes to harsh, impassioned passages with a cadence that is seamless. Distortion-driven lofty riffs rain down on the soundscape as pounding drums anchor the music to an imposing rhythm. The vocal performance is commanding, with the lead vocal consuming you in the raging emotionality and passionate expression of the melodies, and the harmonies embracing the melodies like darkness embraces night. et al. is testament to REDSIX’s artistic prowess and is a song that will stay with you for a long time. Listen to et al. by REDSIX here!

Sandy King - No Words

No Words by Sandy King is profound and powerful. The singer-songwriter grips your attention with the moving lyricism and arresting soundscape of this song. Capturing the haunting, crushing feeling of being unheard in a relationship, this song brings you the emotional intensity and turmoil that plagues such connections. The undulating synth tunes, the galloping drum beats, and radiant guitar melodies form a rich musical backdrop. The captivating solos add another layer of intrigue and dynamism to the music. At the heart of sound is Sandy King’s compelling and emotive vocals delivering the words with sincerity, vulnerability, and raw feeling. Rising to lofty highs and falling to tender lows, her voice flows smoothly across the musical landscape. No Words is achingly beautiful. Listen to No Words by Sandy King here!

The Castros - The Boys

Scotland-based five piece band, The Castros will soak you in the colorful melodies and infectious energy of their songs. The Boys has an upbeat, carefree, and vibrant feel, a signature quality of The Castros’ soundscapes. The galloping drums sets an irresistible rhythm to the music that gets you moving along to the beat instantly. The lush layers of guitars, reverb-soaked, distortion-rich, and glowing riffs, splashes refreshing, joyful chords all over the music. The light, nonchalant voice adds another layer of appeal to the music, injecting the soundscape with charismatic, expressive vocals that keep you glued to the sound. The Boys is an instant favorite. Listen to The Boys by The Castros here!

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator