Interview: Mary KilS - Porte sept

With her intrepid character, a rocker of a thousand colours, an indomitable vitality with explosive accents, poignant elocution, always equipped with magnificent lyrics, Mary KilS multiplies everything. Some speak of her as fire under the ice, others describe her as an inexhaustible passion; this nugget who grew up in the heart of nature, discovered by Francis Cabrel, never ceases to amaze us. The most beautiful values of the world in this unique voice do not go unnoticed, and that is the joy of a public that adores her. An artist of boundless radiance, moving with grace and humanity, Mary KilS offers us without intermediaries, a vibration that we cannot forget. Luminous with love.

By Kamil Bobin

Discovered via Musosoup

Hello Mary KilS, what brought you to music?

Hello Kamil, it's a pleasure to be here with you, in your Manor (smile) Thank you. To tell you the truth, I don't really know when this all started. As far back as I can remember, everyone was singing around me, but I think the key moments that shaped my hope of becoming a singer happened when I was growing up in school. When I was in primary school, there were small music workshops. I really wanted to play the triangle, the tambourine, but it was reserved for those who already played an instrument. At the age of 8, during bus outings, the driver's microphone was available for those who wanted to sing and everyone took turns playing on the small stage at the front of the bus. I was dying to go too, to make everyone sing, but the songs I knew weren't summer camp songs... At 13, things had changed, classmates and teachers who knew my voice asked me to sing at the party that was organized at the end of the school year... that's when I knew that was what I wanted to do in my life.

According to you, what is your role in this world?

We each have several roles (smile). My role, as an artist, is to deliver a message that brings people together, regardless of their culture or origin. A message that will perhaps open a new field of consciousness. I feed on the environment, I try to find the right musical alchemy to offer songs that feel good and that can be useful. A bit like the beetle which forms its ball and brings it very carefully to the right place, so that the birth takes place.

Your last title is "Porte Sept". Can you share with us the background of its creation and did any unusual things happen during its creation?

Porte sept had several lives before being available on download platforms (smiles). For its creation we were two. The composer presented me the arrangements he had made in MAO, adding several lines of guitars. When we listened to our recordings, it sounded good... so I decided to go into the studio, to record a two-track that would be intended for publishers and record companies, hoping to get a contract (smile). But the recording result was not satisfactory. The sound engineer couldn't do a good mix because I was singing over a soundtrack that had already been mixed in the first place. Second, I gathered musicians to accompany me on stage. During the rehearsals we made a lot of changes in the arrangements because technically it's not really possible to play what is created from a computer ;) Then we went to the studio to record the set-list of the concert, but I didn't have the budget to finalize the mastering. This year, after the hazards caused by the covid, I brought out the master Porte Sept, which had stayed warm (smile), to give it a 3rd life by integrating it into Ep One.

What message would you give to your fans?

Thank you for being there, whatever the weather! To all those who follow me in the worst as in the best times, I want to tell you that it is you who give me the strength to never give up. The covid episode has shaken us violently, but as the saying goes "What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger!" Like many artists, my album project has been considerably slowed down. In 2021, the crowdfunding that we set up could have allowed us to find ourselves in concert, but the problem was such that we did not succeed... This year, I switched to self-production to distribute One while waiting to be able to finish the album. Now, I put all my energy into making "Des Ailes d'Or". I promise you great concerts, great moments where we can all meet again, very soon.

What are you most proud of?

To say, I am more proud of this or that, for such an event or such an achievement, is difficult for me. There is no order of importance in my mind, from the moment I fully invested myself in something that was close to my heart to succeed, whatever the field.

If you could open an exhibition for any artist, who would it be?

Very good question (smile), I had never thought of it. Right away, I naturally think of all the artists that I love and who are no longer in this world, but they have been widely exhibited, and culturally it would not be exceptional. Why not think of the pioneers of Rock, those who were the first to use the electric guitar in their songs? Vast subject... I would need time, to deepen my research with specialized people, before being able to choose an artist worthy of being honored by the public.

What do you do to ensure that you continue to grow and develop as an artist?

(smile) and continue to be a good beetle ;)? I do my best to be well connected to the world around me while keeping the common thread of my being. We are constantly inundated with everything.. it seems that Spotify releases 60,000 titles a day.. I wouldn't have enough life to listen to everything (laughs)... I remain attentive and listening to what is happening to properly transform the matter of life which circulates permanently.

Do you think technology improves our lives? Yes technology improves our lives, but like all things, it has its limits. Of course, it participates in the evolution to go faster, further, improve the work with more and more efficient machines. The new computer technologies are extraordinary... all that is good, it can make things easier, but for me, the essential that comes from humans and is innate will always be missing, human warmth. I think that as technology advances, we always have to be vigilant not to distance ourselves from others, not to distance ourselves from ourselves.

What are your plans for the future?

Many projects... the very first is to complete "Des Ailes d'Or". Entering the studio and going on tour to find those who are waiting for me on stage! The second will naturally be another project, to continue to be happy doing what you love (smile). Thank you Kamil.