Experience garage rock, post punk, yacht rock and more in LITM Rock Picks, featuring artists Winchester 7 & the Runners, KLEN, Martyrs, and others

In this edition of LITM Rock Picks we feature a mosaic of rock genres through spirited releases from artists Winchester 7 & the Runners, KLEN, Martyrs, Lia Rye, and FanSandro.

Winchester 7 & the Runners - Stories to Tell

Winchester 7 & the Runners present pure indie garage rock exuberance, with lush atmospheres, driving beats, and a mesmerizing haze of vocals. Their unique and enthralling blend of rock sounds along with alternative, classic, and surf influences creates a sound that is entirely their own. Stories to Tell feels expansive and multi-dimensional, in that it has so many layers of textures and tones to experience. Radiant synth tunes, sharp melodic pulses, reverberating warm notes, form a plush backdrop. A thumping drum beat injects an inescapable groove to the sound. The vocals are the core of the track, swelling and flowing out like energy at the heart of a star. It carries you in its ebb and flow, through ascending crescendos to dream-like moments, consuming you in the golden haze of it all. At times causing a frisson of wonder, and at times psychedelic and surreal, the music is a rollercoaster ride of feelings. Listen to Stories to Tell by Winchester 7 & the Runners here!

KLEN - Compendium/Consortium

“Freakbeat beatniks” KLEN unleash a garage psych rock fury that will jolt your senses into fervency. Their sound has a post-punk edge that drives the grit and raw energy up a notch. Compendium/Consortium is a potent blend of heavy, serious riffs, synth flourishes, pounding drums, and dramatic vocal performances. Swift tempo shifts, haunting deep bellows, ominous guitar hooks keep you glued to the sound, slightly terrified yet immensely intrigued. The lyrics, a satirical take on conglomerates and their “board meetings” , comes alive through the highly expressive and emphatic instrumentation and singing, one that sends a loud message. KLEN delivers a memorable and commanding performance in this track, one that reflects their ability to weave profound narratives into spirited soundscapes. Listen to Compendium/Consortium by KLEN here!

Martyrs - Where Did You Go? - Single Edit

Martyrs, a musical duo based in Kent, are on a mission to bring “post-yacht” rock to the masses through their vibrant, upbeat soundscapes. It is tough to pin their sound to one type, yet it borrows several influences, retro, disco, funk, and rock infusions are scattered generously throughout their tracks. Where Did You Go? - Single Edit is a sunny, golden soundscape that is doused with a warm, high-spirit ambiance. There is a vintage, timeless quality to the melodies and the production that makes the song all the more exciting. Soaring synths, reflective piano chords set a bright, euphoric mood, and the breezy drums create a groovy, lively musical backdrop. The smooth, suave vocals and rich harmonies heighten the appeal of the music. The addictive hooks and infectious energy of this song is sure to linger in your mind long after the last notes have faded. Listen to Where Did You Go? - Single Edit by Martyrs here!

Lia Rye - All of the Time

Leeds-based 20-year-old alternative rock artist, Lia Rye presents high-octane, gritty releases that combine the power of moving storytelling with electrifying soundscapes. All of the Time bursts with pure energy and raw emotion, captured in the harsh and hyped guitar riffs, thunderous drums, warm basslines, and addictive hooks. Each element as weighty and as emphatic as it may be, does not overshadow the other, allowing each sound to own and assert its texture, showcasing the level of skill underlying this composition. Lia Rye’s lofty, commanding vocals deliver the lyrics with power, sincerity and vulnerability. The fervency of the instrumentation coupled with Lia’s arresting voice leads to a sonic experience that is exhilarating. Listen to All of the Time by Lia Rye here!

FanSandro - Come Alive

Two childhood friends, Mike and Alex, channel their love for music through their bright, upbeat soundscapes. Come Alive comes alive through a radiant medley of guitar textures and hooks, pulsing rhythms, and breezy vocals. A looping tuneful trill echoes resonantly along with vibrant melodies, while distortion-soaked riffs and synth-like ambiance fills up the musical backdrop with warmth and light. The airy, sharp drum beats bring a moving gush of rhythm to the sound that drives the music forward. Layers of vocals, soft and glowing, hovers above the music yet anchored to the sound, like plush, white clouds drifting in the sky yet tethered to the ground. The vocal melodies, lofty and emotive, do not dissolve into the music, but stand out for their energy and sincerity. Come Alive leaves you enlivened. Listen to Come Alive by FanSandro here!

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