LITM Pop Picks This Week, featuring Anique Rose and more!

In this edition of LITM Pop Picks, we have Anique Rose and more!

Anique Rose - “I Hate The Eagles”

Singer and songwriter Anique Rose brings a soulful, peppy sound to her music, and on her latest single, “I Hate The Eagles”, she blends her soulful singing with a dramatic, thundering beat to power through an emotive performance — and as the chorus announces itself, the energy rides high, and the vibes are immaculate. Couple with this a deep, layered production with the guitars and the cinematic pianos in the background and you have yourself a winner of a listen, sure to keep you entertained from start to finish. Take a listen to the track here!

Arctisky - “Let Freedom Ring”

Melbourne-based Maldivian artist ARCTISKY fuses funk, jazz, electronic, and classic rock in his sound — and on his latest single, “Let Freedom Ring”, he skilfully makes use of his funk and jazz influences to bring us a smooth-flowing collection of melodies and motifs that come together, shaping up rather beautifully over the course of the track. With a solid sense of melodic arrangement with the vocal harmonies and the instrumental voicing, the well-controlled mixing and master that package everything super well, there’s much to appreciate about this track as it overcomes your speakers this week. Take a listen to the track here!

Rosie Byron - “Love Is The Key”

Rosie Byron is a passionate lyricist and primary school teacher whose music reflects themes of love, resilience, and personal growth, with a message of sunny optimism that shines throughout her music — and her latest single, “Love Is The Key”, finds itself no lesser; with the peppy bass line and the melodious singing that keep you entertained from start to finish, the song nails it in terms of its execution and its energy balance, gently swelling and fading with the flow of the melodies. The synths and pads add quite the atmosphere to the track, while the positive themes in the lyrics come across quite beautifully. Take a listen to the track here!

Class Vee - “Lemon Face”

Class Vee is an American singer and producer with a deep love for all genres, blending various styles with a unique sound inspired by 80s music — and her latest single, “Lemon Face”, couldn’t have embodied her sound better — from the gritty saw wave synths in the intro to the potent bass line that punctuates this track, the foundation is solid for the solid vocal performance that adds just the right amount of flair and drama to the atmosphere. The synths continually evolve in the background, lending this song quite the nice organic twang — take a listen to the track here!

GRAVA - “Petty Drama”

Ava Grace, better known by her artist moniker GRAVA, makes a blend of uptempo dramatic music, that rides high on the experimentation and the punk rock influences she cites; and on her latest single, “Petty Drama”, she innovates and pushes boundaries from start to finish when it comes to her melodic arrangement, her lyrical themes, and the sound design. The ad-libs are a wildcard standout on this track, while the lyrics reflect a sense of deep angst, all expressed in a light-hearted dramatic flair that does not fail to be charming at every turn. Take a listen to this winner here!

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator