LITM Rock Picks This Week: City Ice and more!

In this edition of LITM Rock Picks, we curate a mix of artists like City Ice and more!

City Ice - “Recovery Anthem”

A project led by frontman Matt Devin Patrick, “Recovery Anthem” is the debut in a line -to-come of soft classic rock ballads put out by the outfit; and true to the genre, City Ice nail the energy dynamic and the relationships between the different elements of the ensembles throughout the track. With wide, expansive guitars and well-written chord progressions, this track oozes with emotive impact and feel-good, leaving you all warm and fuzzy within yourself. Combine with this the tight vocal performance and the expert mix, and you have yourself an entertaining listen through and through. Take a listen to the track here!

Arliston - “Vertical”

Arliston, the UK's self-described "sad song specialists," create stark yet striking music with pensive melodies, and introspective lyricism that are the kind to make you sit down and think, really — and on their latest track, “Vertical”, they bring a beautiful, soul-touching performance with gentle drumming and ambient sound textures making up the foundation of this track. Supported by the warm pianos and the guitars in the background, the vocals and the harmonies are the icing on the cake as the energy sways from wistful to introspective— and it is brilliantly executed overall. Take a listen to the track here!

Matt DeAngelis - “Chasin’ Rainbows”

Matt DeAngelis is a Southern New Jersey singer/songwriter and storm chaser dedicated to spreading positivity and raising awareness for climate change and mental health through his music — and on his latest track, “Chasin’ Rainbows”, he creates an aura, an atmosphere of sunny warmth and optimism. With the bright pianos and the stellar vocal performance that dots this track, the finishing on this track is rather well presented from end to end, with the groovy bass lines and the rest of the ensemble playing close support as the track comes to a close. Take a listen to the track here!

Autonym - “Where We All Going”

Autonym, an alternative hard rock/metal band from West Yorkshire, UK, established in 2019, delivers hard-hitting, punchy, heavy licks and dirty riffs — and on their latest single, “Where We All Going”, they present a harder edged alternative rock sound filled with mid tempo, deliberate percussion, crunchy bass playing, and gruff singing that creates a rather distinct atmosphere right from the get go. With the chugging in the rhythm guitars playing its part in making the song groovy, the energy rides high throughout. Blend this with a mix that feels alive, and the result is spectacular indeed. Take a listen to the track here!

Annie and the Jays - “If You Wanted To You Would”

Annie and the Jays, an independent pop band from central Scotland, blend nostalgic and modern pop styles with singer-songwriter roots. Their debut single, “If You Wanted To You Would” brings a lineup of well-executed, compelling instrumentation, coupled with a bright, very well-sung set of melodies. The vocal performance is the standout here with the vocal harmonies and modulations, while the percussion keeps close pulse of the song from start to end. Add to this an atmosphere and mix that scores high on the storytelling department, and you have yourself a warm, engaging listen. Take a listen to the track here!

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator