LITM Singer-Songwriter Picks Bring Sonic Meditations with Flo LeBeau, Alivra and More!

LITM Singer-Songwriter Picks are an amazing curation of sounds and vibes to relax to. So experience the music crafted by Flo eBEau, Alvira and Gabrielle Manna!

Flo LeBeau - Son of Spring (SOS)

Flo LeBleau has brought us an eclectic and energetic new track that dives into the realms of singer-songwriter music with elements of punk sprinkled into the mix with their latest track “Song of Spring (SOS)”—staying true to the genre this track is dominated by an acoustic guitar and Fo’s angelic singing which carry the mix and a majority of the soundscape keeping you engaged and invested. From explosive bursts of energy to reflective quiet moments Flo has nailed the dynamics of this track and brought us something extraordinary. So go check this song out today!

Alvira - Movement III - Liberty

Alivira has brought us a powerful exploration of freedom with their latest release in the singer-songwriter space “Movement III - Liberty”. Collaborating with Aam Parkison this track builds a great sense of flow and rhythm with its synth-driven futuristic-sounding soundscape that creates an immersive atmosphere that reels you in with minimal effort. With amazing soaring vocals that stay dynamic and flow with the beat, this track is a truly sensory experience that takes you all the easy to nirvana. I loved listening to this track and so will you, go check it out for yourself today be sure to add it to your playlists!

Gabrielle Manna - Call Out Post

Gabrielle Manna has brought us a track that is vulnerable and is way deeper than your average angry social media post with her latest release “Call Out Post”. This track is incredibly rich in its instrumentation with amazing acoustic guitar lines dominating the soundscape and acting as the perfect pairing to Gabrielle’s voice. The lyrics are emotionally driven and resonant to most listeners. While the implication of the lyrics is one of a call to action, their nuanced penmanship explores feelings of betrayal and hurt. I loved listening to this track and so will you, go check it out today!

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator