LITM Pop Picks This Week, featuring Batsch and more!

In this edition of LITM Pop Picks, we have Batsch and more!

Batsch - “Knew No Different”

Batsch, an ever-evolving avant-pop duo currently consisting of Mason Le Long and Matt Rheeston, blend synth pop, disco, and jazz — and the best of their sound converges on their latest single, “Knew No Different”; a fusion of blues, highly experimental jazz and electronic pop music. From charming, warm synths to the brushed jazz drumming and endless switchups in the rhythms from start to end, this is the track to grab your attention and keep you at the edge of your seats while you try to find the groove — and the conquest is the reward here. Take a listen to the track here!

President Street - Love Me (Like I Want)

Melbourne and Perth-based duo President Street, consisting of Ruby and Pete, fuse pop, RnB, and rock with their soulful vocals, multi-instrumentalism, and infectious melodies — and on their latest single, “Love Me (Like I Want)”, they bring the best of their production abilities to the fore — with a simplistic motif that forms the base of the song, they successfully evolve every single element, and top it off with clean, expertly executed vocals to form a very, very well rounded sound. Top this off with a heartwarming sound design and a solid mix and master, and you have a runaway earworm; Take a listen to the track here!

Nolo Grace - “Eyes of the Dragon”

Nolo Grace, a Korean-American artist/producer, brings dreamy electronic alt-pop together with soulful vocals and hip hop influences, drawing on her unique life experiences to reflect on themes of loss, healing, and transformation. On her latest single, “Eyes of the Dragon”, she skilfully uses an ethereal synthwave production topped off with aggressive drum n bass styled basses, layering her soft yet powerful vocals on top to create an infectious listening experience. With vocal layers to expand the atmosphere, and a mix to tame all of the ensemble, this track is a definite must listen! Take a listen to the track here:

Anacy - “Delight”

Original and revolutionary, Anacy is an Indie Pop musician whose multidisciplinary artistry spans music, performance, acting, dance, and radio. Drawing inspiration from the likes of Lana Del Rey, she presents her latest single, “Delight”, a delightfully downtempo ballad with all the drama and cinematic expression one would expect — and the listen is exhilarating to say the very least. With her soft, spoken word lyrical delivery layered with sky-high angelic vocal lines, she brings orchestral instruments like strings and harps to create an atmosphere that’s wide, and wafts you away into a world unlike any other. Take a listen to the track here:

avOva - “Indigo”

A downtempo electronic music artist from Bristol, avOva, brings the very best of atmospheric, ethereal sounding dream pop music to the fore on their latest single, “Indigo”, featuring singer and songwriter Nalarié. Right from the first second, this track takes the listener on a journey marked with deep, detailed melodies and harmonies courtesy of harps and strings, maintaining a crystal clear sound. The vocals are the easy money shot here with their beautiful melodic delivery, while the drums keep swift pace, keeping the song chugging along beautifully, with effects like sampling and scratching to introduce variety and more interest. Take a listen to the track here!

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator