LITM Rock Picks this week: SALt, Shaker Bloomheart and more!

LITM Rock Picks this week are a delicious cocktail menu of new songs from artists like SALt, and more!

SALt - “Monsters”

SALt, an alternative post-punk pop band, are fiercely independent and prolific, blending genres with brooding, eclectic intensity; and on their latest single, “Monsters”, they embrace a warm guitar-filled sound, layering their haunting, introspective lyrics on top, much akin to the alternative post punk style of music they are quickly becoming known for. The delivery of the song follows a nice, slow pacing with the vocals grabbing the limelight as soon as they come on, while the basses and the drumming serve to anchor the song quite effectively. All in all, “Monsters” by SALt makes for an engaging, compelling listen — check it out here!

Shaker Bloomheart - “I Will Rupture and Die”

Formed via Craigslist in late 2021, Shaker Bloomheart features Mike Batzer, Brad Shults, and Rebecca Morin, blending punk and indie pop into a danceable, funky mix that has quickly captivated Seattle, Washington with their high-energy live shows — and their latest catchy original, “I Will Rupture and Die”, captures their sound with much fervour and poise as they let the drumming run loose, the rest of the ensemble effortlessly keeping pace. The dual-tracked solo lines through the song add a bit of a classic rock twist, and the production incorporates a good bit of experimental elements to keep things continually interesting. Take a listen to the track here!~

McCloud - “accident”

Nearly 20 years since their last recording, the band—having spent years balancing fatherhood, schooling, and careers, reincarnated themselves back in January of 2024 — and since then, they’ve been hitting the studio and getting their sound back and better — and their latest single, “accident”, brings the very best of rock and roll, right from the angry, aggressive guitars, the in-tempo, locked-in drumming, and the melodic passages that lean more into harder-edged rock and metal; until the vocals return the song to a state of calmness and rhythm; all in all, this track is electric, engaging, and excellently executed. Take a listen to it here!

Michael on Fire - “Lord Have Mercy”

A lifelong nonconformist with over 20 albums and extensive tours across the U.S. and U.K, Michael on Fire’s music style is, as Alan Cackett of Maverick Magazine notes, "This is honest, rootsy music by a veteran artist who makes music on his own terms regardless of current fads and fancies." On his latest single, “Lord Have Mercy”, he brings the soulful melodies of long, intricate piano passages together with his soft rock voice to create a great bit of emotional impact. His vocal delivery has just the right amount of melody, the perfect mix of grit and harmony, and this is accompanied by the drumming and the guitars quite nicely. Check out the track here!

FOLD - “At The End of the Sun”

Keeping grunge music alive in 2024, FOLD embodies the spirit of Generation X with lumbering riffs, poignant guitar lines, powerful drums, and infectious vocal melodies — citing Foo Fighters, Soundgarden and more as their influences, they bring us “At The End Of The Sun” — the title track to their debut album. Adopting a hard grunge sound with a steelier edge than classic rock, they make full use of their thrashy, nonconforming sound to truly embody what grunge and garage rock truly stood for in the 90s— and pull it off with much finesse with their guitars, their heavy drumming and their melodic vocal lines. Take a listen to the track here!

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator