LITM Pop Picks Are Engaging Melodies Brought To Us By Anna Thoresen, Rye Catchers & More!

LITM Pop Picks are a wonderful curation of tracks that range across the spectrum of moods the genre has to offer. Experience the music of Mortal Prophets, Keith A. Getchell, JD Kelleher, Rye Catchers and Anna Thoresen!

Mortal Prophets - Belgian Club 79

Mortal Prophets have brought us a delightfully dark aesthetic with their latest outing in the house and pop music space “Belgian Club 79”. With a soundscape constructed with driving pulsating synths and an authoritative and unyielding bassline, this track effortlessly gets you into the groove with its charm and catchy melodies. Verrings into the territory of the experimental this track is adorned with haunting whispers and chanting throughout its soundscape creating a mesmerising and unforgettable sonic experience that will send shivers down your spine. I loved listening to this track and so will you, go check it out!

Keith A. Getchell - Send Your River REDUX2

Keith A. Getchell adds soul and heartfelt spirit to our playlist with their latest release “Send Your River REDUX2”. This ballad rekindles the spirit of indie pop with heartfelt vocals full of emotion and an interesting instrumental that carries some of that classic indie experimentation. A ballad that talks about self-discovery and growth themes, this track firmly plants itself in the annals of music that serve as anthems for LGBTQ+ pride. The production is airtight and the mix is delightful completing this powerhouse of talent. I loved listening to this track and so will you!

JD Kelleher - The Devil is in The Details

JD Kelleher is back with their classic sound rich with eclectic sounds and retro-esque sounds on their latest outing in the indie Pop space “The Devil is in The Details”. This track opens on wonderful driving synths that construct the perfect landing pad for JDs wonderful vocal stylings. The vocals are rich and soothing with their timbre and bring the same flourish and style we have come to expect from them by this point. With a wonderful mix and production, this song is the complete package, nailing it on all fronts. So go give it a listen and add it to your playlist today!

Rye Catchers - History (Nikki Simmons Reprise)

Rye Catchers team up with Nikki Simmons to reprise a classic of the indie pop space with their latest release “History”. This track wastes no time getting going with an explosive opening that is bursting with energy. The atmospheric instrumental highlights the potent vocal stylings wonderfully making for an engaging listen that keeps your attention throughout your listen. Everything about this track just works, from its vocals to its production and every note will raise your energy levels fuelling your day. I loved listening to his track and so will you. So go check it out and add it to your playlists today!

Anna Thoresen - Mary Jane

Anna Thoresen has brought us a fresh and modern indie pop track that is full of drive and soul with their latest release “Mary Jane”. Opening on driving synths that build a laid-back ambience this track instantly puts you in a calm headspace. The vocals are full of emotion and carry a groove that keeps you engaged and holds your attention firmly on the soundscape. You will be singing along to this track in no time as you listen to this track, I loved listening to this track and think Anna Thoresen is an underrated talent whose music ought to be heard more. So go check it out today!

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator