Fresh in LITM Rock Picks This Week: Noam Fainer and more!

LITM Rock Picks are a delicious concoction of stories and more melodies from the likes of Noam Fainer and more!

Noam Fainer - “London Dreaming”

With their charming 90s-00s pop rock sound— replete with their downtuned pianos and punk influences, Noam Fainer aim to weave technicolor stories in their songs; and on their latest single, “London Dreaming”, they win with a home run; with their guitars, grunge rock-esque vocals, and tight, precise drumming as they weave a beautiful story around dilapidated metaphors; each line in the lyrics carrying punch and power, with lines like “you walk away in a foreign land, nobody knows you’re high” — all in all, the kind of track that sneaks into your head and then lays reign upon it — and you’ll invite it. Take a listen to the track here!

Asgard Raven - “Chasing Your Dreams”

Asgard Raven, an indie-rock artist from southern England, channels experiences from Army deployments into a unique sound influenced by punk, rock, blues, and indie — and throughout 2024, they’ve been releasing new material; the latest of which is “Chasing Your Dreams”; a comforting, soul-soothing rock track that brings the whole shebang; wholesome lyrics, skilled guitar playing and the drumming to match; there’s much to love about the energy that rings throughout this song. With a mix that charms elegantly and effortlessly, you’re sure to love this one. Take a listen to the track here!

Bearbonez - “Don’t Look Back”

A songwriter and music producer based of California in the United States, Bearbonez is the musical alias of Kyle Robert Hilmoe, who brings a delightful synth-infused sound to his pop productions, apparent on his earlier tracks like “Crysknife” — and on his latest, “Don’t Look Back”, he blends low vocals, harmonies and fun, anime synths with a potent baseline to bring a track that chugs along smoothly, and is a delight to listen to. The sound design is the easy standout on this song, with the percussion keeping things moving along quite swiftly through the runtime of the track while the synths build atmosphere and emotion quite nicely. Take a listen to the track here!

Valvo - “Lost Features”

A shoegaze artist based out of Berlin in Germany, Valvo is the avatar of composer and lyricist Luis Mora — and on their newest single, “Lost Features”, they bring a heavily atmospheric, dark, mellow atmosphere marked by vocal lines and pads, while the gentle pulse of the basses keep things moving along, steadily building energy in the start of the track; for six and a half minutes, this track transports you to a whole other world; with the trademark hard-edged progressive nature of shoegaze rock; and we’re fans here! The downtempo drumming, the dark melodic passages, and the insane atmosphere come together quite excellently on this one — take a listen to the track here!

Astro-Lloyd - “Speedracer - 80s inspired version”

Astro-Lloyd is an electrifying alternative music band hailing from Malmö, Sweden; famed for their high-energy live performances that, in their words, ‘feel like a high-intensity workout’ - and on their latest single, “Speedrunner”, they take inspiration from the golden age of the 80s; and it’s all here! The retro electronic drums, the synths, the grit in the sound, the direct vocal style backed by the electric guitars, and the play in the atmosphere of the track — ebbing and swelling gently as the track progresses. There is also much to appreciate about the balance and the overall punch of the song; take a listen to the track here!

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator