LITM Rock Picks this week: Safari Youth, No See Ums and more!

This edition of LITM Rock Picks brings us the best from Safari Youth, and more!

Safari Youth - “Wrestling with Elephants”

Forming part of the upcoming album “Everybody Else Knows” from the rock outfit Safari Youth, “Wrestling with Elephants” is the newest example of perfectly controlled chaos from this bunch; and controlled chaos it is! Drawing comparisons to the best in hip-hop when it comes to the sampling-friendly nature of the production on this song, there is some seriously smart sound design going on, making use of textures and unconventional sounds all through the track to create and retain interest; while in the vocals the listener finds their solace. Maintaining an electric energy throughout, Safari Youth pull off something quite remarkable on this track, and it’s a pleasure to listen to. Check it out here!

No See Ums - “Elephants At The Airport”

Brighton's latest Garage/Punk/Rock sensation, 'No See Ums, is a broth of Phil and Nick from The Qwarks and Jax Burley of The Daffodildos; blending satire, innuendo, and wry humor with grinding guitars, punchy basslines, and thunderous drums, they bring a winner in their latest, “Elephants At The Airport”. Maintaining a bit of a progressive sound throughout the track, the song makes use of rich, luch harmonies in the instruments to create a sense of silky elegance that maintains its character through the use of humour in the lyrics that lets itself not get undermined by the sheer display of technical ability from the bunch. The mix is tight, and extremely well-controlled, too; check out the track here!

Point3Nine - “Spot of Whisky”

An up-and-coming progressive rock band that blends aggressive sound design with great sampling work and turn tabling, Point3Nine is a band whose sound stands out in the best ways possible. Forming the opener of their new EP High Rollin 2, the track, “Spot of Whisky”, is an epitome of experimentation in sound design done right. The production maintains this playful Gorillaz-like sound while the fuzz and processing on the guitars lends it a much heavier sound than a first glance would suggest. The rest of the production also seamlessly keeps up, making for a wholesome, rewarding listen. Check out the track here!

Mothbreath - “Mothbreath”

MothBreath, a Somerset-based duo comprising Kirsty Dougall and John Libert, brings the angelic qualities of Kirsty together with a synth-laden, lush garden of sound on their eponymous single, “Mothbreath”. The voice laid bare with just choir pads and vocal lines to back it up in the intro, the energy builds slow and sweet, culminating in a gentle release that wafts the listener away into an abyss of nothingness; before they’re reeled back in by the entry of the drums into the mix; and the rest of the ensemble has no trouble elevating this song even further. The percussion is the easy focus here, with much variety and articulation, all executed to near perfection. The sound on the mix is warm yet analytical, exposing surprising details to even the most discerning of listeners. Check out the track here!

The Giant Low - “We Fall”

The Giant Low, hailing from Nijmegen, The Netherlands, blends alternative rock with post-punk influences, reminiscent of bands like Interpol and Editors. Bringing the emotive lines of post-punk guitars with the flow and the speed of alternative rock, they present “We Fall”; a poignant reflection that finds itself perfectly soundtracked by the guitars, while the vocals do the story telling. There is a certain emotionally captivating quality to this track that I quite appreciate listening to; and the ensemble looks to be in  just the right place, as well, with the instruments fading in and fading out with their timbres at just the right times. Couple this with a solid mix, and you have a delightful listen. Check it out here!

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator