Mortal Prophets unveil the mystical soundscapes of latest EP ‘Brian Eno in Heaven’

Mortal Prophets, made of John Beckmann and a crew of genre-defying prolific musicians, draw up sonic designs originating from a place of deep musical understanding and boundless creativity, resulting in enthralling soundscapes. John Beckmann’s exploration of sound through various genres—blues, electronica, orchestral—and states of feeling—haunting, eerie, ethereal, cosmic—with a defiance for the conventional and ordinary is strikingly impressive. It also reflects the artist’s versatile, expansive experience as a musician.

Following their riveting debut album, Mortal Prophets are back with a new EP ‘Brian Eno in Heaven’ a five-track record, that exudes an orphic, mystical aura. With an irresistible allure that pulls you in, each song takes you into dark, mysterious, and supernatural worlds.

The EP opens with ‘Drowned Lands.’ An inviting, foreboding medley of synth blooms and melodic drones, the song sets the tone for the rest of the EP. With elements both bright and dark, the song evokes fear and curiosity, nudging you to venture deeper in.

Seamlessly transitioning into the next track, titled ‘Mesmer On Holiday,’ the music shifts into a more spectral, eerie quality. Bubbling notes, shining synth rays, haunting whooshes, and rippling keys conjures a soundscape that is equally unnerving as it is mesmerizing.

‘Swimming WIth Witches’ morphs into an ominous, occult atmosphere, a sonic manifestation of the chilling tones and pulsing rhythms of magical rituals, paranormal phenomena, and sorcery. The reverberating thrum of deep notes, sprawling synths, and swelling crescendos will set off goosebumps on your skin and send shivers down your spine.

Full of mystery and wonder, the next track, ‘Fraulein Anna Sprengel’ unfolds layer by layer. A soft hum of the drums, galloping beats, and ghostly melodies form the musical backdrop. Swooshing synths and sustained notes increase the tension and excitement.

The titular track and the final song on the EP, drastically shifts the tone of the record, taking in the lightness of the previous track and shaping into radiant, celestial tones. Bright synths illuminate the soundscape, with the rhythmic pulse of cathartic melodies. Angelic choral, lush ambiance, and a serene aura evokes a sense of ascendance, almost like transcending the earthly realms into a heavenly sphere of liberation.

Music is a lot of things, but one of those things that fascinates is its ability to act as a portal, a gateway to imagined worlds, mystical worlds, and places that only exist within the infinite expanse of the mind. Mortal Prophets know how to manipulate and transmute sound into rare, anomalous, far-reaching portals of music that challenges and transforms the listener’s reality. Listen to ‘Brian Eno in Heaven’ by Mortal Prophets here!

Discovered via #sustainablecurator