LITM Singer-Songwriter Picks radiates love, passion, and introspection in brilliant soundscapes from artists Alicia Stockman, Morgan Hudson, and Jason Myles Goss

In this edition of LITM Singer-Songwriter Picks, we bring soulful blues, warm americana, and soft acoustics from artists Alicia Stockman, Morgan Hudson, and Jason Myles Goss.

Alicia Stockman - Little Dog

Singer-songwriter Alicia Stockman soaks your mood in sweet americana and folk aesthetics in the latest release, Little Dog. This comforting and heartwarming release sings praise and adoration for man’s best friend, a dog. Yes, she reaches for your soul with this beautiful song describing all the things, little and big, about the dog that makes her heart full. She employs her vivid storytelling style to paint a picture that is endearing. The soundscape is warm and bright, with soft galloping drums, reverb-soaked guitar riffs, and reflective piano chords. Alicia Stockman’s voice, soulful and sincere, colors the music with heartfelt melodies, passionate declarations, and tender confessions. The music, a minimal yet grand showcase of sublime instrumentation and spirited vocals, takes you to a place of love and light. Listen to Little Dog by Alicia Stockman here!

Morgan Hudson - Lonely Together

Lonely Together by Morgan Hudson featuring Lonnie Britton is a stirring blues duet that ignites feelings of love and passion instantly. The breezy drums set a steady heartbeat to the music, and this pulse is carried on by the slick, reverberating guitar melodies, and dazzling piano notes. The entire atmosphere is soaked in a sensual, smooth bluesy soul ambiance, soft yet radiant in a way that the mood permeates into your being. The stars of the show, Morgan Hudson and Lonnie Britton, unleash the might of their glorious voice, conquering melodies and emotion effortlessly. The sharp, vibrant vocals of Morgan Hudson perfectly complement the baritone, velvety vocals of Lonnie Britton, the duet, a mesmerizing waltz that immerses you in the music. Lonely Together revives the charm and glamor of classic blues. Listen to Lonely Together by Morgan Hudson here!

Jason Myles Goss - Misfit

NYC-based singer-songwriter Jason Myles Goss captures slices of real life, the trials and triumphs of everyday happenings, and the aches from the deepest parts of ourselves with deep introspection, descriptiveness, and candor in his evocative soundscapes. Misfit, the title track of latest EP, heals and breaks your heart simultaneously, bringing you honest contemplations on uncomfortable truths, the feeling of not belonging, and navigating adult connections. Exquisite acoustic guitar tunes embellish the soundscape with luminous notes. The ethereal, lush ambiance with undulating, warbling melodies craft an immersive experience that moves you. Jason’s heavy and emotive vocals descend on the music, like rain from gray clouds, pouring soft, somber, and soothing melodies over the soundscape, that nourishes and drowns the soul. Misfit is powerful and poignant. Listen to Misfit by Jason Myles Goss here!

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