LITM Rock Picks This Week: Spouses and more!

In this edition of LITM Rock Picks, we curate a mix of artists like Spouses and more!

Dalton Deschain & the Traveling Show - “Hell Breaks Loose”

Dalton Deschain & the Traveling Show is a New York City pulp-punk band blending dark humor, experimental punk, and theatrical storytelling, drawing influences from David Bowie, Danny Elfman, and Alkaline Trio — and on their latest single, “Hell Breaks Loose”, they present their signature high-energy rock sound that’s thumping with the drumming from start to finish. The guitars add just that much more charm, and as the choruses fade into verses, the vocal presentation shines with just how well it plays into the rest of the ensemble. With interesting composition and better presentation even, this track is sure to charm! Check it out here:

Spouses - “Indian Summer”

Christening themselves as a lo-fi folk gaze band, Spouses have been hard at work recently — moulding their sound after the release of their track, “California Wine” — and on their latest single, “Indian Summer”, they once again bring their charm to the mic with their animate, full-of-life sound with tasteful brasses, an engaging and uptempo rhythm, while the vocals weave magic of their own in the background. The addition of gentle acoustic guitars in the background lend a pulse to this track that is teeming with life, radiance and energy — all in all, superbly well-executed! Take a listen to the track here:

Zarooni - “GOT ME”

Zarooni is a Dubai-born artist whose music blends indie, electronic, and country influences, creating magic out of his guitars and singing on his latest single, “GOT ME” — a track filled with ominous, dark storytelling that would take you straight back to Maiden — with his haunting, almost hypnotic vocals, he sets quite the stage with his sound, only to then give the song more life with his haunting storytelling in the lyrics. As the song blossoms into its energy, the chaos is restrained but present — the tremolo clean guitars in the background forever a reminder of this song’s dark roots and persona; making for a listen like few others. Take a listen to the track here!

E.R.I.E - “A Lot To Think About”

E.R.I.E., an indie-punk quartet from Albany, NY, known for their electrifying live performances and their nicely executed punk rock sound, present their latest track, “A Lot To Think About” — and from the very start of the track, the rhythm guitars set the stage quite solidly as the drums gently announce themselves in. When the vocals kick in, the delivery is clean, engaging, and soothing to listen to — the clear delivery and soulful singing, coupled with the vocal layers and the guitars in the background quickly come together to create a brilliant shine of energy that stays with you long after the track has come to a close. Take a listen to the track here!

Bat Flattery - “Kalashnikov”

A pop-punk trio based out of Midlands in the United Kingdom, Bat Flattery (humorous band name!) are led by Paul Chave and Rob Barker composing their latest track, “Kalashnikov” — an electric presentation of punk rock aggression and energy, coupled with vocals that are a ride to listen to. Seriously, the way that this song builds and maintains its energy is something to reckon with indeed — there are long, winding guitar sections that sit beautifully below the vocals, lending the track that much more pizzazz — while the vocal presentation shines with its direct nature, while still retaining harmony with the rest of the ensemble, making for a great listening experience. Take a listen to the track here!

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator