LITM Rock Picks This Week: Mrs. Henry and more!

In this edition of LITM Rock Picks, we curate a mix of artists like Mrs. Henry and more!

Mrs. Henry - “Everybody Wants Peace And Love”

San Diego's rock collective Mrs Henry fuse the good old sound of 80s rock, drawing inspiration from bands like AC/DC and Guns N’ Roses; all while fusing it with a sound their own — and on their latest single, “Everybody Wants Peace And Love” , they bring a high-energy crowd-raiser of a song steeped in synths and experimental sound design blended in with organic percussion, all kept chugging along quite nicely by the guitars and an infectious bass groove that keeps you bobbing your head from start to finish. The baritone main vocals play very nicely with the high harmonies, making for quite the nice energy balance throughout the track. Take a listen to the track here!

SaffeK - “Electrocute”

SaffeK brings frontman Oren Amitai's powerful Alternative Hard Rock to life, crafting a rich wall of sound with layered guitars, keyboards, and raw vocals on their latest single, “Electrocute”; and from start to finish, this track is a headbang festival; with loud, angry guitars and aggressive vocal delivery paired with the tight, deeply layered harmonies, this track presents a solid listening proposition for every second of its runtime. When the chorus hits, the vocals come alive, and the air opens up, letting you loose and wild; all while your feet keep tapping and your head swaying to the beat. Take a listen to the track here!

Eyecolour - “Swim Meet”

EYECOLOUR is an Australian 4-piece band that feels like a twilight beachside drive with your favorite retro synth — and on their latest track, “Swim Meet”, they bring a downtempo, retro-wave inspired indie rock sound that finds itself punctuated with the sway of the pads and the drum machines that make this song just that much more charming. The energy balance on this track is absolutely pristine, playing excellently with the varied, layered melodic writing, and topped off with the stellar vocal performance and moving bridge sections. All in all, a very solid listen! Check out the track here:

Katy Kenny - “Child”

24-year-old musician Katy Kenny, inspired by classic rock and 2000s Pop Punk, blends powerful vocals with grunge-inspired arrangements to tell vulnerable stories of adolescence and mental health; and she's set her debut single "Child" free, and what a debut! The song finds itself turbocharged by the speed and the drive of feel-good punk rock music; be it the long-ringing power chords in the rhythm section, or the descending licks to introduce variations, every bit of this track is a firecracker of energy that goes off at just the right time — all in all, we’re excited for what she has to bring next! Check out the track here:

Piper Connolly - “kiss like me”

In the realm of alt-pop, Phoenix native Piper Connolly is a fierce innovator, blending rock, pop, and indie influences — and on her latest single, “kiss like me”, she brings a modern pop sound together with punk guitars and warm, filling synths — making for a very solid bass line, the sound design here is layered, and well-textured; and blending that with her emotive, expressive singing, you have a track that, while also being super-well controlled,  scores the home run in terms of the energy and balance from start to finish. Take a listen to the track here!
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Discovered via #sustainablecurator