LITM Singer-Songwriter Picks This Week: Lee Switzer-Woolf and more!

This week’s edition of LITM Singer-Songwriter Picks features pieces from Lee Switzer-Woolf and more!

Lee Switzer-Woolf - “Flying Saucer Working Party”

Lee Switzer-Woolf, a singer and songwriter from the United Kingdom, creates emotive, solitary songs that capture the essence of "sad headphone music," crafting deeply personal tracks that aren’t the kind to shy away from pushing bounds in genres — and on his latest single, “Flying Saucer Working Party”, he brings a downtempo, grooving listen that finds solace in the low instruments, spoken-story like lyricism, and a hypnotic sound with the basses and the percussion. The sound design stands out specially on this one, making it an interesting listen no matter the time of day. Check out the track here!

Peter Stone - “Drinking”

Peter Stone is an independent musician and songwriter who crafts intimate, cinematic songs that explore themes of conflict, longing, and meaning — and he brings his songwriting chops to his latest single, “Drinking” — a soft, emotive number that’s punctuated by the soft acoustic guitars and Peter’s high-register singing that sounds intricate, and delicate, compelling you to listen closer; from the deep lyrical themes to the simplistically beautiful execution, this track presents a comfort listening experience paralleled by few others; and wrap this with a lovely overall execution and you have a winner! Take a listen to the track here!

Bryan Yurcan - “Autumn Leaves (Of New Jersey)”

A singer and songwriter born in New York, and now living in New Jersey in the United States, Bryan Yurcan brings a soulful, delicate sound to his music — and on his latest single, “Autumn Leaves (Of New Jersey)”, he brings a heartwarming ballad that finds itself cocooned in the beautiful guitar playing, gentle percussion and an elegant vocal performance from Bryan. The themes of dreamy looking and warm comfort envelop the listener as you find yourself hankering for the repeat button yet more than once — overall, a beautiful track! Take a listen to the track here:

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator