Trouble - “Snake Eyes”: A doom atmospheric track that rumbles deep!

Trouble, the doomy, twangy trio featured on Twin Peaks' third season, is a perfect fit for the show, featuring Dean Hurley, Riley Lynch, and Alex Zhang Hungtai, blending elements of Angelo Badalamenti's iconic scores with their haunting sound — and on their latest single, “Snake Eyes”, the trio feature a sound that transcends genre from its bluesy, jazzy roots, going into post-doom rock; keep reading for my thoughts!

Right from the guitar line that tracks this song’s intro to the gentle introduction of the rest of the ensemble, there’s magic in the air. The track has a wide open, expansive atmosphere that makes for the perfect foundation for the brasses — with the swathes of reverb slapped on tastefully, there’s no finding the bottom of this pit — metaphorically and literally. The layering seems endlessly deep, with continuous experimentation adding further flair and flavour to the execution. Count with this the flawless mixing that brings every instrument alive in this sound space, and you have yourself a winner! Take a listen to the track here:

Discovered via #sustainablecurator