LITM Singer-Songwriter Picks brings tunes from artists like Dad With Kids and more!

In this edition of LITM Singer-Songwriter Picks, we bring Dad With Kids and more!

Dad With Kids - “In A Hurry”

A Beatles fan since his early age, Dad With Kids is a one-man-band, singing and writing indie folk alternative tunes — and with rich harmonies and soulful vocal performances that make up all of his songs, he brings “In A Hurry”, yet, au contraire to what the name may suggest, the song is paced beautifully — with a gentle, flowing mid tempo rhythm dotted by the acoustic guitars and the soft singing, there’s a certain beauty to how this song comes together; and we’re fast fans. With a warm, welcoming mix and master to round the sound out, this song is an instant winner. Take a listen to the track here!

Zarooni - “The Kids Are Laughing”

Zarooni's music, born from a passion for originality and shaped by Dubai's vibrant cultural melting pot, blends indie vibes, electronic beats, and a hint of country twang — and on his latest single, “The Kids Are Laughing”, he brings his gentle, soulful singing to the fore with themes of bright, shining positivity in his music. With epic legato string sections to fill in the spaces, they weave a texture of their own ever so gracefully, while the vocal layers add a spritz of pizzazz to this track. All in all, this song is beautifully executed, and deserves your attention this week. Take a listen to the track here!

Dieter Horvat - “Sacred Words”

Dieter, a multi-award-winning folk musician from Adelaide, began his career by chance and quickly adapted to the life of a touring artist, busker, and rock frontman — and on his latest single, “Sacred Words”, he brings his intimate, warm pop sound to the listener. With a beautifully minimal production that does not one bit lose out on soulfulness and ease of listening, he presents delicately woven passages and melodies, as motifs come together into harmonies, strung together by the gentle pulse of the acoustic guitars in the background. All in all, such a winner! Take a listen to the track here:

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