LITM Singer-Songwriter Picks brings tunes from artists like XOLYDIA and more!

In this edition of LITM Singer-Songwriter Picks, we bring XOLYDIA and more!

XOLYDIA - “Summer Waltz”

XOLYDIA is a London-based Swedish Indie singer-songwriter and producer, who chooses to address themes like mental health and well being through her music. Taking inspiration from musicians like Kate Bush and Lana Del Rey, she brings her latest single, “Summer Waltz”, a cheerful, graceful ballad that finds its footing in the slow, cheerful guitar rhythms, paving the perfect foundation for the vocals. The vocal presentation is delightful, and melodious, with great writing going on for extra effect. Take a simple, soulful presentation and wrap it with a well-balanced mix and ensemble and you have yourself quite the moving, emotive listen. Take a listen to the track here!

HD Bradley - “Forever And Tonight”

A singer and songwriter based out of Chicago, Illinois, HD Bradley brings forth a mix of pop music with his songwriter talents to make a LANY-esue pop ballad style of his own that hits high marks on soulfulness and beauty of presentation. On his latest single, “Forever and Tonight”, he paces the track with the gentle drumming and the acoustic guitars, blending in some elements of electronic music production with the processed synths and guitars to craft a timeless, memorable sound that makes light work of getting stuck in the mind of the listener. With a vocal presentation that is close and intimate, this is a performance that strikes a deep chord, and strikes it fast. Take a listen to the track here!

Dan Radin - “Pickpocket”

Since moving to Austin in 2015, cellist Dan Radin has transitioned from a sought-after performer to a singer-songwriter with his debut solo album, "Romance for Antiheroes," showcasing his cello-led acoustic rock influenced by John Mayer and Dave Matthews — and part of this album is “Pickpocket”, a uptempo, grooving track that isn’t hard to imagine on the airwaves, playing on radio stations across the country. With his signature cello skills, Dan brings quite the flair to this track, soundtracking his passages and vocals closely with the guitars, while the energetic drums make effortless cadence with the rest of the ensemble. Check out the track here!

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