LITM Singer-Songwriter Picks brings heartwarming soundscapes: pb, PsiloMine Sun and more!

In this edition of LITM Singer-Songwriter Picks, we feature three of the newest releases from pb, Shawna Virago and PsiloMine Sun!

pb - “Simplicity”

British-American singer-songwriter pb crafts melancholic songs wrapped in beautiful melodies, blending a folky sweetness with personal, relatable lyrics — and on her latest single, “Simplicity”, she continues with her signature blend of soft, breathy vocals atop heartwarming instrumentals. Forming part of her EP “neither prose nor poetry”, this song sees pb bring her ethereal, eternally calming vocal timbre to an uptempo beat that stays engaging from start to finish. With little bells and whistles in the melodies and the production, your ears will constantly have something new to nibble on — and that’s a compliment! Check out the track here:

Shawna Virago - “Blood In Her Dreams”

Shawna Virago, hailed as the "fairy godmother of trans country artists," writes and performs a potent mix of folk, alt-country, and punk — and with a long list of bows and acknowledgments to her name from the best publications in the world, she brings her latest single, “Blood In Her Dreams” — a delightful country pop affair replete with the twang of the guitars, fun riffages on the guitars, and soft yet engaging, groovy drumming; while her vocals take the centerstage and transport listeners to a period quaint; with a tight mix and master to let all the elements of the ensemble shine through, you shouldn’t be missing this one. Take a listen to the track here~

PsiloMine Sun - “Fall Back”

PsiloMine Sun is a project dedicated to helping people manage grief, loss, depression, and anxiety through a blend of music, visuals, and therapeutic methods — and through their powerful messaging and heartwarming motives comes their latest single, “Fall Back”; a therapeutic, relaxing listen soundtracked by the soft, cascading guitars that bring a smile to the listener from the word go — with the relaxing, laid-back vocals and the melodious synth pads in the background, there is much about this track that brings a sense of calm and serendipity to the listener. So put on your headphones, and check out the track here!

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator