LITM Pop Picks This Week, featuring Alicia Daydreams and more!

In this edition of LITM Pop Picks, we have Alicia Daydreams and more!

Alicia Daydreams - “Remedy”

Making waves in this industry, Alicia Daydreams is a sixteen year old singer and songwriter based out of the United States. Riding high on the success of her previous single, “Knock on my Door”, she offers a solid followup on her latest single, “Remedy”, a peppy pop number filled with synths, vocal harmonies, and driving, punchy bass that is sure to keep your feet tapping to the rhythm come the word. Alicia’s ad-libs and vocal harmonies come in great handy as the atmosphere is wide and expansive, and overall, the execution is tasteful, and marks a nice evolution of her sound. Take a listen to the track here!

Annabelle Walt - “Chills”

The seamstress of a winding, airy pop sound, singer, composer and songwriter Annabelle Walt has been making quite the name for herself lately with her themes of love stories and fleeting adventures in her music. On her latest single, “Chills”, title track of the EP of the same name, she uncovers a sensual blend of electro, R&B and pop— and makes available a deeply relatable, catchy and well-composed affair. The production derives from pop and arabesque influences, with modern sampling and processing techniques lending it the flavour of the 21st century; take a listen to the track here!

stillyoung - “Freak Like Me”

A skilful mixologist of indie guitar grooves and vocal melodies with an experimental alt-pop sound, stillyoung is a singer and songwriter based out of Oakland, California; on his latest single, “Freak Like Me”, he makes use of his indie roots to weave together a dreamy narrative through the use of his guitars, basses and vocals that reign great in their simplicity; with his gentle vocals delivering straight yet graceful messages, echoed nicely by the harmonies at just the right places. Couple this with a tight, balanced mix and you have a song that’s engaging from start to finish — take a listen to the track here!

Michael Ellery - “Falling Through”

Michael Ellery is a cinematic music producer and artist from Perth, Australia. He began his musical journey as a composer, creating neo-classical and epic soundscapes for film and TV — and that style, that drama, they bleed into his latest track, “Falling Through”, a collaboration with vocalist Candice Susnjar; an epic dramatic affair with the grand pianos, strings and orchestral percussion, this track has you in grips right from the start — and as the energy swells and pounds upon you with epicness, you’re just left in awe as to what just happened; a sure winner! Check out the track here:

Sunstroke Rain - “Life Is Sacred”

Sunstroke Rain, the musical alias of Karin Turesson, is an innovative singer and composer known for her deft craftsmanship and poignant lyrics — and on her latest single, “Life Is Sacred”, she adopts a bright electro pop sound that takes a page from the 90s and their bright, uptempo sounds and synths; while her sharp lyricism and entertaining production techniques keep the listener hooked. As far as electro pop goes, this track represents a unique twist on the genre that’s ready to throw you right back to the good days of electro house; all while retaining its own signature flair. Check out the track here!

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator