LITM Singer-Songwriter Picks This Week: Jared Deck and more!

This week’s edition of LITM Singer-Songwriter Picks features pieces by Jared Deck and more!

Jared Deck - “Head Above Water”

Jared Deck, winner of the Woody Guthrie Folk Festival songwriting contest, draws from his own experiences as a factory worker, oil field laborer, and church musician to craft songs about hard work, while blending in narratives of his own personal struggles. His latest single, "Head Above Water”, captures the challenges faced by working-class people trying to succeed in a tough world— and does so magnificently well. Forming the title track of the album of the same name, the style of the track takes on a very heavy, atmospheric KALEO-type vibe; and when the time for the solo rolls by, the listener is solidly grooving and moving to the rhythm of the music; its allure never once fading. It’s exciting to look forward to what Jared Deck has for us next— for now, check out the track here!

Evelí Ray - “Ocean Of You”

Evelí Ray, a singer-songwriter and composer, draws inspiration from her personal journey, connecting with diverse cultures and places she's encountered along the way. From Nordic mysteries to Mediterranean warmth, she seeks to celebrate diversity through her music. Her latest single, “Ocean Of You”, is a placid, idyllic number that places the focus on the minimalistic guitars and Ray’s angelic voice that shine bright throughout with a fiery energy that allures the listener endlessly; while the lyrics reflect deep and speak messages of introspection and powerful, rich storytelling. The atmosphere in the song is just perfect, and this is the kind of track that one would find very hard to not go back to. Check it out here!

Louis Croft - “I’m Going Away”

Louis Croft is a Singer Songwriter from Nottingham, in the United Kingdom that prides himself on taking his tunes and bringing them to us with a blend of folk music with tap-dance-worthy rhythms and shimmery, dreamy guitars and vocals. His latest single, “I’m Going Away” is a story woven into mellow rhythms with the guitars while the vocals take us on a journey into Louis Croft’s personal stories; making for a compelling, endearing narrative. The percussion keeps its trademark folk-like high-energy and pace, and the mix is solid and wonderful. An absolute delight to listen to! Check out the track here!

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator