Tom Tikka And The Missing Hubcaps Blow Us Away With Their Latest Powerhouse Track “Wrecking Ball”!

LITM mainstay and returning feature Tom Tikka and the Missing Hubcaps have recently released their latest indie rock masterpiece “Wrecking Ball”. This Finnish multi-instrumentalist is no stranger to smashing through genre barriers and this wavery piece of sonic fabric will leave you breathless and craving more! 

Spiritually a successor to his previous hit “California Smile”, “Wrecking Ball” seamlessly blends Tom’s modern sound while wearing his classic rock influences on its sleeve. With an explosive rhythm section opening this track, Tom draws you in and makes sure your attention does not wander with this one. With alternative and grunge ensembles thrown into the mix, this track is an energetic and wild ride from start to finish that will leave you no choice but to bob your head and groove. The vocals are full of raw emotion and grit infectious to the ears and impeccable in their vibe. Tikka also works effortlessly with guest feature Lappe and Nicklas to weave bone-crushing riffs that cruise with an energy of their own. Tom’s ability to structure his songs such that there isn’t ever a dull moment or a moment that feels ‘skippable’ is a feat that makes him stand head and shoulders above most of his contemporaries.
The production of this song is also impeccable with no detail overlooked in the mix or the dynamics of the rhythm and the soundscape. A holistically masterful achievement, Tom Tikka is not afraid to flex his musical muscles and take our breaths away. So go check this track out for yourself today be sure to add it to your playlists! 

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator