LITM Singer-Songwriter Picks This Week: Michael Messer and more!

This week’s edition of LITM Singer-Songwriter Picks features pieces from Michael Messer and more!

Michael Messer - “Visions of Hope”

Michael Messer is a British virtuoso slide guitarist, singer, and songwriter known for his innovative approach to blues and roots music. With a 40-year career writing music, he presents an innovative approach to blues and pop music on his latest single, “Visions of Hope” — and right from the first second, this track stands out with its ability to make the listener groove to the rhythm while the electrics craft beautiful melodies in the background. With a charmingly experimental sound that’s produced really well and mixed even better, this track is sure to amaze! Check it out here:

Alicja S - “Walk What You Say”

Alicja S is a talented singer-songwriter known for blending elements of pop, soul, and indie music. On her latest single, “Walk What You Say”, she brings a sound that’s mellow yet impactful — taking props for the vocal depth and gentleness on this track, the Alicja makes great use of the minimalistic instrumentation to drive more emotional impact — and the result is a sweet, deletable fusion of pianos and vocals that leave a chord struck deep in the soul. With a mix that brings an expensive atmosphere with swathes of reverb to gently waft you away, this song is a winner for sure. Take a listen to the track here!

Kelsey And Lisa - “Takin’ It Easy”

Kelsey and Lisa are a duo that bring the fun of tropical island music to the studio — with their heartfelt, carefree rhythms, they present their latest song, “Takin’ It Easy” — successfully captures the yearning to escape daily humdrum and embraces the laid-back pleasures of the beach; be it the percussion or the clean electric guitars, the songwriting on this track is a work of art that deserves props — and with an innovative production style that doesn’t fail to amaze at every turn, this song is a winner indeed. Take a listen to the track here!

Hailey Newman - “Vibez”

Hailey Newman is a rising pop-rock country singer-songwriter hailing from a small mountain town near Prestonsburg, Kentucky — and with her vocals and songwriting making waves in the local crowd, she goes big on her latest single, “Vibez” — and throughout the track, she beautifully illustrates the memory of a past romantic connection, capturing the mixed emotions and nostalgia in the gentle soulful vocal harmonies, the warm, soothing guitars, and the steady, groovy production. With the emotional punch going strong, this song is sure to fast become a favorite! Check out the track here:

Sean Hopkins - “Pictures Of Nothing”

Sean Hopkins is a folk and alternative singer-songwriter and guitarist based in New Hope, Pennsylvania — no stranger to the art of music, he brings his latest track, “Pictures Of Nothing”, a return to the scene after two decades; and all throughout the song, the sound is warm, Sean’s singing soothing, and the presentation, well, excellent. Sean’s low, melodious singing sets the stage quite beautifully as he tells a vivid story with his lyrics, hitting close to the heart of the listener while he’s at it. The production is evocative, and the intimate, almost confessional tones of the track leave one feeling poignant, yet comforted within. A winner of a track! Check it out here:

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator