This week's LITM Rock picks have ripples of rock from all directions with Hurricane Holly, Pump5, Believe It, It’s Easy, Theo Adler and Andrew Byars

In this edition of LITM Rock Picks, we create ripples of rock with performances from Hurricane Holly, Pump5, Believe It, It’s Easy, Theo Adler and Andrew Byars. Enjoy the selection of this charcuterie board here and explore more genres with us!

Hurricane Holly-Millennial Complex

You know, when this musician comes in, it's like a tornado swooping across the land. Her latest single showcases rock to its finest, with Millennial Complex. A guitar progression which is associated with alt-rock, she shines the light on the fiery fury she sings her music with. The acoustic balances out the anger and rage of the inevitable chorus energy. Her vocals are on par, if not better than, any of her prior performances. This song becomes a wave of emotion, relative anxiety and all that we feel living in this world. All captured in the eye of the storm:

Pump5-Junk Man

Creating a tale is easy, singing it beautifully is hard. A classic rock wave comes in with Pump5 with this song, the marching rhythm becomes a link to the song instantly. The power remains in how the lyrics move your heart and soul. It is a stirring song with layers coming in smoothly and creating the mid-tempo our playlist needs. Raw and real, the tale is something that is treated with modulation and real love. The vocal performance is brilliant, nothing less than any of the best songs released by Pump5. This is Oasis redefined. Listen to the song here:

Believe It, It’s Easy-Patriotic Songs (Sitting in front of a Church)

There are songs that can teleport you to a different time period. Believe It, It’s Easy is definitely falling in that category. A song that you’d have to lyrically focus on, the song showcases the love and emotion in the rawest format. That doesn’t mean the vocals take you on a journey otherwise as well, there are a lot of nuances. You do the thinking, he’ll do the singing. The song crescendoes into this beautiful overlay of many styles, and it seems like all is ok in singer-songwriter paradise. Listen here:

Theo Adler-I’m Not the Person You Think I Am

There is a little bit of an aura from the Beatles and The Smiths here. It is a time passed, yet the groove reminds you of those times. Maybe the song itself is so catchy, you forget the hook of the song. Keeping a syncopated rhythm warm and steady, the lyrics take you through an ebb and flow of shock and repetition. It works extremely well for the song, and is also inspiring to see the creative directions a rhythm and melody like that can take you. Theo Adler is writing music from the heart:

Andrew Byars-Company

Always end on the highest note. The slow and steady song is a nice moment of repose from the fast-paced tracks we were running past right now. This song is one of his soothing salves, making for a song that is reminded of a time passed. It sounds like a Sgt. Peppers B side, and is exciting to hear Andrew Byars write so personally, yet poetically. An exciting number that might take you places, beyond your mind and body. Listen to the catchy number here with us:

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator