Watch/review: White Room – Think Too Much

Words by Nick Mee. @Nickjmee

Almost a composite of individual psych-pop segments, White Room’s ‘Think Too Much’ introduces itself with a passage that could have been lifted straight from the editing room of Tame Impala’s Lonerism sessions. These hazy atmospherics then segue into a more of a stomping indie mould, its summer-of-love guitar jangle coming on like a baggier Coral, and a vibe as vintage as the kitsch casual clobber that adorns the Brighton band in their promo as they frolic on the Downs. There’s even time for White Room to throw in a wordless Kasabian-like chant-a-long before ‘Think Too Much’ is through, which may prove the song’s most divisive section. Either way, there’s no denying the track’s clean execution, its catchy melody bursting through the kaleidoscopia thanks to complementary stringed fuzz and harmonic basslines ’neath Jake Smallwood’s hardy vocals. So, we’ve heard its like before, certainly, but a tune’s a tune and to deny its joys for its retro assimilations would only be, well, thinking too much.

'Think Too Much' is out now